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Colombia Page: adding data from datastores #1862

Closed cjhendrix closed 9 years ago

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

The data has not been specified yet, but we want to leave a placeholder as it will begin to be specified during the week next week.

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Data Team is delivering the data on Friday, so we can start with this next week and hopefully squeeze it in by the deploy on Wednesday. I'm going to assign to @luiscape so he can let us know when it is ready and give us links to the datastores.

luiscape commented 9 years ago

Hi there folks,

My understanding is that there are 2 critical resources and 4 supporting resources. The critical resources are:

The DataStore is active on the topline figures dataset.

(PS: Here is another style for the map for reference.)

Please note that the map has some styling challenges. @DitaA and I studied the map and we believe there are unsolved issues with style, the simplification of borders, work-flow, etc. I would love to have a chat about the making of these maps, especially considering that @DitaA just joined the team.

The supporting resources are:

Let me know if you have any questions.

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Assigning to @aalecs . Arti, I think the simplified geodata may require us to limit the zoom . Some of the small polygons may not look good if we let people zoom in too far. We can take a look at that next week.

aalecs commented 9 years ago

@luiscape I integrated the choropleth in the Colombia page. I used the first styling, but modified the border to be thiner since we have a lot of small districts. I also changed the hover explanation to use the terms District/Municipality - got them from Wikipedia for Colombia, hope they are ok.

alexandru-m-g commented 9 years ago

@luiscape @cjhendrix Regarding the topline numbers:

Regarding the 4 "supporting resources":

  1. https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/confinamiento
  2. https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/restricciones-de-acceso
  3. https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/victimas-de-minas
  4. https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset/idps-data-by-year


  1. are we going to use this for sparklines ?
  2. if yes, then how do they map to the top line numbers ? While for 2 and 4 it might be clear for 1 and 3 it doesn't seem obvious
  3. the datastore doesn't seem to be enabled on these resources
  4. first column in (1) looks a bit weird
luiscape commented 9 years ago

Hi there @alexandru-m-g, as for the units of the topline figures I am not sure. @JavierTeran will know the answer. I'll send him a message about it.

As for ye sparklines, it is my understanding that they will not become active in this iteration. The "supporting" datasets don't have yet their datastores active and the data itself needs some cleaning (dates column are causing issues l). I need to follow-up with Xitong, the dataset maintainer, about the format she should follow.

luiscape commented 9 years ago

The datastores can become active today, but I'm afraid the maintainer changes them without notice. I'll prefer to have that conversation with Xitong before going ahead and making the datastores active.

alexandru-m-g commented 9 years ago

per discussion with @cjhendrix

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

@luiscape Because these are not frequently updated values, could we go ahead and push the datastores, then talk to Xitong? Otherwise, we're a bit blocked.

How do you plan to have the update work? Will Xitong run the script to push to the API, or will he need to contact the data team to let us know an update has occurred? Obviously the latter is not a sustainable model, but probably ok for this prototype.

DitaA commented 9 years ago

Hi all, some suggestion on the map style:

  1. Suggested color palette hdx_color_palette_141205_red
  2. Agreed with @cjhendrix , limit the zoom level to z5 or z6
  3. As our map data is very granular, I suggest to remove the polygon outline or scale it down to 0.2pt