OCHA-DAP / hdx-ckan

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Make tag-search page into a better default topic landing page #1913

Open davidmegginson opened 9 years ago

davidmegginson commented 9 years ago

Every HDX tag is a potential topic landing page (as we found with Ruby on the weekend), e.g. https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/dataset?tags=health for datasets with the tag "health"

A few low-effort changes could improve the usability of those pages considerably, so that the community can easily cluster around tags/topics without our creating a custom page every time. The following would apply only when a search is for a single tag and nothing else:

teodorescuserban commented 9 years ago

I can enable this on my side whenever you want.

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Have to figure out how this fits in with the browse page. Going to leave it in the backlog for now.

davidmegginson commented 9 years ago

Due to my miscommunication, the /topic/XXX -> /dataset?tags=XXX redirect does exist now, in stealth mode. Example: https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/topic/gender

Note that this is a client-side redirect (the user sees the new URL in her browser address bar), not a server-side redirect like https://data.hdx.rwlabs.org/ebola ; I suggest leaving it as it is for now, since it doesn't affect anything on the site, and it's available for rapid use if needed.

cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Moving back to backlog.