OCHA-DAP / ocha-anticipy

Python package to support the development of anticipatory action frameworks
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Switch to tox #6

Closed turnerm closed 2 years ago

turnerm commented 3 years ago

Switch to tox for the tests, migrating as much as possible to pyproject.toml

mcarans commented 3 years ago

It is possible to migrate most things so that setup.py is no longer needed. The below from HDX Python Utilities runs pytest, isort, black and flake8 from an installed wheel. It outputs coverage information (which can be used by codecov.io). It offers tox -e docs for creating documentation and tox -e publish to make a tag in GitHub and upload to Pypi.

requires = [ "setuptools", "wheel"]
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"

line-length = 79

profile = "black"
line_length = 79
multi_line_output = 3

# make output nice
format = "grouped"
max_line_length = 79
# show line of source code in output
show_source = true

# list of plugins and rules for them
mccabe = ["+*"]
pycodestyle = ["+*", "-E203", "-E501", "-W503"]
pyflakes = ["+*"]
pylint = ["+*"]
flake8-isort = ["+*"]
flake8-black = ["+*"]

site_dirs = "src"

source = ["src/hdx", "*/site-packages/hdx"]

omit = [

exclude_lines = [
    "pragma: no cover",  # Have to re-enable the standard pragma
    "def __repr__",  # Don't complain about missing
    "if self.debug",  # debug-only code
    "raise AssertionError",  # Don't complain if tests don't hit
    "raise NotImplementedError",  # defensive assertion code
    "if 0:",  # Don't complain if non-runnable code
    "if __name__ == .__main__.:"  # isn't run

type = "python"
search_path = ["src"]
packages = ["hdx.utilities"]

type = "markdown"
filename = "apidocs.md"

type = "github"
repo = "OCHA-DAP/hdx-python-utilities"

legacy_tox_ini = """
isolated_build = true
envlist = py38, lint

python =
    3: py38, lint

recreate = true
wheel = true
deps =
    -r test-requirements.txt
commands =
    pytest --cov=hdx --no-cov-on-fail --junitxml=.tox/test-results.xml --cov-report=xml --cov-report=term-missing

wheel_build_env = py38
deps =
commands =
    flakehell lint src tests

wheel_build_env = py38
deps =
commands =

wheel_build_env = py38
passenv = SSH_AUTH_SOCK
deps =

commands =
    python -c \"from hdx.utilities.wheel import git_tag_whl; git_tag_whl('{distdir}')\"
    twine upload {distdir}/*
turnerm commented 2 years ago

Closed by #45