"The original data from the models is provided by ECMWF directly, which we retrieve from their API. This data has a 0.4 degree resolution."
However, after searching the repo, I can't find any script using ecmwfapi . The calls to the CD API clear, but i'm not finding it easy to understand where the ECMWF API is used to access MARS?
I was looking at the MWI analysis for an example of downloading seasonal ECMWF data from the MARS catalogue.
In doc here it says:
"The original data from the models is provided by ECMWF directly, which we retrieve from their API. This data has a 0.4 degree resolution."
However, after searching the repo, I can't find any script using
. The calls to the CD API clear, but i'm not finding it easy to understand where the ECMWF API is used to access MARS?