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Tutorial/highlight: Datalad for computational neuroscientists #121

Open sanjayankur31 opened 1 year ago

sanjayankur31 commented 1 year ago

Datalad is a tool for properly managing/sharing code and large amounts of data using git and git-annex without needing to be a git expert. The handbook has lots of information on how to use it.

I thought it'll be good to see if we can have a tutorial on using datalad for comp neuro work.

To see what datalad is already being used for see:


Datalad datasets (include DANDI and lots of other data platforms):



sanjayankur31 commented 1 year ago

See also: 6.3. YODA-compliant data analysis projects — The DataLad Handbook

sanjayankur31 commented 1 year ago

Posted here:
