OCNS / SoftwareWG

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RFC: Collecting easyfix/help-wanted/beginner level issues from different repos in a central location #63

Open sanjayankur31 opened 2 years ago

sanjayankur31 commented 2 years ago

Hi @OCNS/software-wg ,

In the Fedora community, we have this page set up that collects "easyfix" or "help-wanted" or "good-first-issue" issues from various repositories (GitHub/Bugzilla/etc.). The idea is to have a central place for folks looking to contribute to quickly find some beginner level tasks. The devs of each repo triage their issues to mark them as "help-wanted" or "good-first-issue" and so on---most of us already do this in our repositories.


Will something like this be beneficial to us to set up? In its first iteration, it could be quite a straightforward Python script that can run as a cronjob on GitHub actions to pull in tickets to start with (the Fedora script is here under a FOSS license: https://github.com/fedora-infra/fedora-gather-easyfix ).

There's a lot of discussion on improving this Easyfix page in Fedora too, there's really no end to how advanced it can be made, but what do folks think of the idea of a central "issues to get you started with contributing" type page in general?