OCR-D / ocrd-webapi-implementation

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workflow: nextflow script #13

Open joschrew opened 2 years ago

joschrew commented 2 years ago

maybe test param.venv in nextflow-scripts. venv should not be provided by the user it should be hidden to the user as the user doesn't necessarily have to deal with it

MehmedGIT commented 2 years ago

Agree. The user should not know the param.venv. However, the venv requirement comes from the OCR-D software itself. When installing the software locally it is still required to activate the venv (reference). I am not sure if there is an easy way to go around that.

Edit: Btw, param.venv path can be left as an empty string in the Nextflow script. When executing a Nextflow instance, we can set the proper venv path as a parameter.