OCR-D / ocrd-webapi-implementation

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422 on downloading zip via /docs navigation #2

Open joschrew opened 2 years ago

joschrew commented 2 years ago

zip download does not work with accept-header and fastapi's generated-swagger-client (the ui you get at /docs). There only application/json can be set as accept header. www.github.com/tiangolo/fastapi/issues/4438

MehmedGIT commented 1 year ago

Since this is the accept header of the request, we can still return responses that are not application/json. Yes, that's not a proper way to do that but at least we will have working test cases that can verify the content. When we find a proper way to achieve the same, we can change it.

Here, instead of returning a WorkspaceRsrc, we could return a FileResponse. The return type could be decided based on another flag, not the accept. https://github.com/OCR-D/ocrd-webapi-implementation/blob/main/ocrd_webapi/routers/workspace.py#L61-L81

EDIT: We should maybe just consider testing by using curl in our tests for these specific cases instead of trying workaround hacks.