OCR-D / spec

Specification of the @OCR-D technical architecture, interface definitions and data exchange format(s)
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Core: Logging and Exceptional States #228

Open M3ssman opened 1 year ago

M3ssman commented 1 year ago

There's a need for detailed specifications regarding the handling of both Logging and Exception handling.

If OCR-D-Core modules shall be used as library for other client-applications - which I highly approve - the current zoo of logging is very heterogeneous and hard to configure at all (if not impossible). Further, the channels in/from diagnostic information streams is, according to current cli-specs, limited to STDERR . Recent logging may also be broadcasted to other listeners.

Second, invalid states within OCR-D components/classes/functions shall yield a domain specific OCRDException to

M3ssman commented 1 year ago

How to balance between convenient short feedback when ocr-d used as framework and external usage as a library? seems to be the main question.

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