The processing broker parses the configuration file and deploys necessary components (processors or a queuing system). The deployment of the processors is made via Docker.
This feature can be implemented in the following steps:
Connect to the Docker socket of the specified machine via ssh.
Pull the latest ocrd-all image.
Start the processing server container in the background.
Shutdown the container later.
To start the processing broker, the CLI syntax would be:
To connect to another Docker socket via ssh, check this post
$DOCKER_HOSTmight need to be set on the target machine as stated in this article. I would recommend trying first without setting anything. If it doesn't work, set the $DOCKER_HOST.
The processing broker parses the configuration file and deploys necessary components (processors or a queuing system). The deployment of the processors is made via Docker.
This feature can be implemented in the following steps:
image.To start the processing broker, the CLI syntax would be: