OCSInventory-NG / OCSInventory-Server

Communication server of OCS Inventory
GNU General Public License v2.0
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ipdiscover: no automatic election. Works only if manually forced #356

Closed iuri-iurcenco closed 1 year ago

iuri-iurcenco commented 2 years ago

General informations

Operating system : Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS

Server informations

Perl version : v5.30.0 Mysql / Mariadb / Percona version : Ubuntu 20.04 version 10.3.31-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1

OCS Inventory informations

Ocs server version : 2.9.1

Problem's description

ipdiscover: no automatic election. Works only if manually forced

Srver runs on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS Ocs server Linux/Unix Server 2.9.1 Windows Agent (64 bits)

Already tried everething possible.

my settings: IPDISCOVER Max number of computers per gateway retrieving IP on the network

ON 2 computers

IPDISCOVER_BETTER_THRESHOLD Specify the minimal difference to replace an ipdiscover agent

1 day(s)

(Must be greater than or equal to 1)

IPDISCOVER_LATENCY Ipdiscover latency

100 milisecond(s)

(Must be greater than or equal to 10)

IPDISCOVER_MAX_ALIVE Maximum number of day before an ipdiscover computer is replaced

1 day(s)

(Must be greater than or equal to 1)

IPDISCOVER_NO_POSTPONE Disable the time before a first election (not recommended)


IPDISCOVER_USE_GROUPS Enable groups for ipdiscover (for example, you might want to prevent some groups to be ipdiscover agents)

OFF IPDISCOVER_LINK_TAG_NETWORK Link Ipdiscover network to computer TAG Logout / Login after updating this configuration

OFF IPDISCOVER_PURGE_OLD Purge old IPDiscover data

OFF IPDISCOVER_PURGE_VALIDITY_TIME Validity time (in days) of an IPDiscover data

30 day(s)

(Must be greater than or equal to 1)

It used to work with my old cenots server with ocs 2.2Rc..and 2.4 win 32 client if I am not mistaken.

I don't know if it's related or not. I have also an apache warning: apachectl[203268]: ocsinventory-server: Bad setting. IPDISCOVER_LINK_TAG_NETWORK is not set. Default: 0

Ideas? Thanks!

iuri-iurcenco commented 2 years ago

Ideas, anyone?

pepex7 commented 2 years ago

Same thing happens to me with default settings.

iuri-iurcenco commented 2 years ago

Same thing happens to me with default settings.

Did you managet to make it work? Cause I tried all possible settings in the admin interface with no luck.

pepex7 commented 2 years ago

No, I still can't get it to work. No, I still can't get it to work. I am deploying it in proxmox.

orencio commented 2 years ago

A silly solution (for me) is altering /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util.pl for -auto option parameter.

So I've copied this file:

# cp /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util.pl /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util-cron.pl

At line 199 of /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util-cron.pl file I make changes for this:

  print "\n\n##################\n";
  print "##################\n\n";
    print "Processing $_->[1] (".$_->[0]."/".$_->[3]."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n";
    open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$_->[0].".ipd" or die $!;
    unless(flock(OUT, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)){
        print "<ERROR><MESSAGE>345</MESSAGE></ERROR>";
        die "An other analyse is in progress\n";
    print("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'\n");
    system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'");


Result of changes with diff:

# diff ipdiscover-util.pl ipdiscover-util-cron.pl
<   for(keys(%subnet)){
<     print "Processing $_ (".$subnet{$_}."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n";
<     open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$subnet{$_}.".ipd" or die $!;
>   for(@subnet){
>     print "Processing $_->[1] (".$_->[0]."/".$_->[3]."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n";
>     open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$_->[0].".ipd" or die $!;
<   exit(0);
>       exit(0);
<     system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$subnet{$_}.($xml?' -xml':'')." -a > $path/ipd/'".$subnet{$_}.".ipd'");
>     print("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'\n");
>     system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'");

After I've add this line to my /etc/crontab:

00 2    * * 5   www-data cd /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports && perl ipdiscover-util-cron.pl -auto -path=/var/log/ocsinventory-reports

(Friday at 2:00)

This changes run IP Discovery and persists changes to database.

silvaguilherme commented 1 year ago

A silly solution (for me) is altering /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util.pl for -auto option parameter.

So I've copied this file:

# cp /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util.pl /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util-cron.pl

At line 199 of /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/ipdiscover-util-cron.pl file I make changes for this:

  print "\n\n##################\n";
  print "##################\n\n";
    print "Processing $_->[1] (".$_->[0]."/".$_->[3]."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n";
    open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$_->[0].".ipd" or die $!;
    unless(flock(OUT, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB)){
        print "<ERROR><MESSAGE>345</MESSAGE></ERROR>";
        die "An other analyse is in progress\n";
    print("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'\n");
    system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'");


Result of changes with diff:

# diff ipdiscover-util.pl ipdiscover-util-cron.pl
<   for(keys(%subnet)){
<     print "Processing $_ (".$subnet{$_}."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n";
<     open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$subnet{$_}.".ipd" or die $!;
>   for(@subnet){
>     print "Processing $_->[1] (".$_->[0]."/".$_->[3]."). ".(keys(%subnet)-$i)." networks left.\n";
>     open OUT, ">$path/ipd/".$_->[0].".ipd" or die $!;
<     exit(0);
>         exit(0);
<     system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$subnet{$_}.($xml?' -xml':'')." -a > $path/ipd/'".$subnet{$_}.".ipd'");
>     print("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'\n");
>     system("./ipdiscover-util.pl -net=".$_->[0]." -network=".$_->[0]."/".((()=$_->[3] =~ /255/g)*8)." -a -scantype=nmap > $path/ipd/'".$_->[0].".ipd'");

After I've add this line to my /etc/crontab:

00 2    * * 5   www-data cd /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports && perl ipdiscover-util-cron.pl -auto -path=/var/log/ocsinventory-reports

(Friday at 2:00)

This changes run IP Discovery and persists changes to database.

I changed the lines you mentioned, but the error below appears

Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at ipdiscover-util-cron.pl line 202.

charleneauger commented 1 year ago

Hi @iuri-iurcenco ,

This bug has been fixed with PR #415.

Best regards, Charlene