OCSInventory-NG / OCSInventory-ocsreports

Webconsole for OCS Inventory NG
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Sql search via webinterface #726

Open sokatra opened 5 years ago

sokatra commented 5 years ago

It's hard to solve a problem when important details are missing, that why we added this template, to help you and us.

General informations

Operating system :

Server installation method ( Only one choice )

Server informations

Php version : 7.0.33 Mysql / Mariadb / Percona version : Debian 9.6 version 10.1.37-MariaDB-0+deb9u1 Apache version : 2.4.25 (Debian)

OCS Inventory informations

Ocsreports version : 2.6

Problem's description

I can see often that some searches aren't possible via default webinterface, so it would be nice if a super admin is able to crate sql search querys which can be saved and be executed by any ocs admin for example the search for all computer which have no software installed at all Here the "mysql query" `SELECT hardware.name,hardware.lastcome,hardware_id, COUNT(softwares.name) FROM softwares join hardware on softwares.hardware_id = hardware.id GROUP BY hardware_id having COUNT(softwares.name)<1; Kind regards


gillesdubois commented 4 years ago


This feature is really interessting and will be added to our roadmap.

Regards, Gilles Dubois.