OCTRI / ember-i18next

Integrates i18next into Ember CLI apps.
MIT License
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Future of this add-on #46

Open karellm opened 6 years ago

karellm commented 6 years ago


I'm starting a new Ember project and investigating which i18n solution to use. I still like i18next and was wondering where this project stands. Is it still maintained? Do you want collaborators?

1/ I would like to support loading translation files for pod like structures. A little bit like css-modules let us have style close to the component, I would see the same thing for locale files.

2/ I would like to bake i18next-parser into this add-on. The idea is to have a way to automatically manage the local files, add new keys and remove old ones.

heathharrelson commented 6 years ago

The addon is still maintained, but other work has been interfering with keeping it up to date. Current priorities are to allow more configurability around the i18next plugins used (see #39) and updating to the new module exports introduced in Ember 2.16.

I think both of your ideas have merit. Item 1 seems like it would fit well with Ember's upcoming module unification work (see "Improved File Layout" at Ember Status Board or the RFC if you're not familiar), and item 2 would definitely streamline working with translations and reduce errors. We're happy to accept PRs, but note that both ideas seem like fairly large changes. You might want to create issues where we could discuss your approach to reduce the probability of rework if you do submit a PR.

karellm commented 6 years ago

@heathharrelson I just released 1.0.0-beta of i18next-parser. I'm happy to take care of some work for this add-on. Hopefully we can use this parser eventually, and in the meantime I'm happy to tackle some tasks. I also have other things going on so I'm not in a rush.

Would updating the new module export task be a good first one? It seems small enough for me to make myself familiar with the code base.

heathharrelson commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'll take a look at i18next-parser, probably when I'm at EmberConf next week.

I took care of updating to the new modules API when releasing version 2.0.0 last week, but issue #42 would make a great first contribution.

karellm commented 6 years ago

I started looking at this but I'm struggling a bit with the tests. I'm new to add-on development so it's a good exercise. I was wondering if there was a reason you are not updating to the latest test format in 3.0.0?