Closed OD4RDFIN closed 9 months ago
Hi Satu, Orpha coding is NOT suitable for describing a phenotype, so you should not use more than 1 Orpha code for a specific disease. It is recommended that this should be done by HPO terms (if possible in the documentation system used). Apart from this, the use of group codes is of course subject to local decisions, but the international agreement is that coding only happens at the disease (or subtype) level, i.e. at the level of the definite diagnosis ("aggregation level"). ORPHA:616874 should strictly only be used if "all reasonable efforts have been done by rare diseases experts to determine a diagnosis according to the state of the art and available diagnostic capabilities, but did not enable to conclude on a clinically known concept" (refer to the definition of this entity). If a patient cannot be coded because the entity does not yet exist in Orphanet, you can create a ticket for the disease team so that creation of the entity can be evaluated. Kind regards Ursula
Dear @OD4RDFIN, dear Satu,
@uunter98 correctly answered about the ORPHAcoding recommendations Orphanet is providing saying
Finally, if there is no ORPHAcode existing for the diagnosis, the clinical practionner are looking for and it is a rare homogeneous condition described in the literature (affecting less than 1 person in 2000 in UE population) you should transmit us a request of creation here with the relevant documentation (see ticket label 'creation' examples).
Please keep in mind that all the justification and argument are detailed in:
Hope this helps, Kind Regards Marie-Cécile
in Finland, clinical geneticists have specific questions related to undiagnosed rare diseases.
If there is no ORPHAcode (disorder), is it meaningful to use many different group codes for different phenotypes in the same patient? We have though about adding them group code(s) and also a code ORPHA:616874 (Rare disorder without a determined diagnosis after full investigation), because otherwise we cannot find the undiagnosed ones from the EPR systems or registries.
Satu Wedenoja Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare