A Python-Django web application enabling users to upload, share, and display data from their environmental monitoring sites via the app's ODM2 database. Data can either be automatically streamed from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, manually uploaded via CSV files, or manually entered into forms.
The production code is presently calling a postgres sequence to assign valueid as part of the insert query against timeseriesresultvalue. PR #674 eliminates that call (assuming the database will provide a default for that value); However, the database was not configured to automatically assign this id if not provided.
I have made the adjustments on the testing and staging databases. This issue is to remind us that we also need make this change to the production database prior to release.
Related to PR #674
The production code is presently calling a postgres sequence to assign valueid as part of the insert query against timeseriesresultvalue. PR #674 eliminates that call (assuming the database will provide a default for that value); However, the database was not configured to automatically assign this id if not provided.
I have made the adjustments on the testing and staging databases. This issue is to remind us that we also need make this change to the production database prior to release.