WaterML R consumption of WOFpy SOAP 1.1 GetSiteInfo for EnviroDIY throws an error, whereas SOAP 1.0 GetSiteInfo doesn't. We don't understand it. We've examined SOAP 1.0 and 1.1 responses and may be seeing some odd things (not sure), yet we have no problem ingesting all the 1.1 responses via [ulmo](http://ulmo.readthedocs.io/] and the Python SOAP-handling library it uses, suds-jurko.
We'll have to ask the CUAHSI WDC gang and/or the WaterML R developer(s) to help us debug.
Not a big priority at this time, since this is probably not a problem wit WOFpy per se, and we're not R users or developers ...
See background at https://github.com/BiG-CZ/wshp2017_tutorial_content/issues/7 Summary from there:
WaterML R consumption of WOFpy SOAP 1.1
for EnviroDIY throws an error, whereas SOAP 1.0GetSiteInfo
doesn't. We don't understand it. We've examined SOAP 1.0 and 1.1 responses and may be seeing some odd things (not sure), yet we have no problem ingesting all the 1.1 responses via [ulmo](http://ulmo.readthedocs.io/] and the Python SOAP-handling library it uses,suds-jurko
.We'll have to ask the CUAHSI WDC gang and/or the WaterML R developer(s) to help us debug.
Not a big priority at this time, since this is probably not a problem wit WOFpy per se, and we're not R users or developers ...