a web-based software tool developed for the visualization, analysis, and reporting of regional and statewide transit networks in the state of Oregon
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Time of day reports. #22

Closed ed-g closed 6 years ago

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Reporting with a time of day focus, to allow better understanding a timing variations in service availability/frequency Recommend approach(es)

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Categorize as more complex task.

PPaulsonOregonDOT commented 7 years ago

I think that this can be implemented outside of the TNA tool, using the stops export and Tableau. If there is additional required functionality, I think that this visualization could serve as a template: https://public.tableau.com/profile/phil2727#!/vizhome/ServiceMetricsStory/ServiceMetricsData

PPaulsonOregonDOT commented 7 years ago

Do we want to pursue this functionality solely within the tool itself, or is it doable to integrate outside GIS/Data visualization software to accomplish this task? One observation I do have about this data is that there are a lot of null time values in the shapefile exports, which leaves holes in the data. I suspect this is an artifact of the GTFS data that the tool ingests, but more clarity on exactly how this data is created would be appreciated.

ed-g commented 7 years ago


I'm only guessing about the output shapefile -- can you point to an example?

It could be that stop_times has a null arrival or departure time for the stop associated with a shape_dist_travelled.

There are a number of ways to deal with that, the simplest is linear interpolation with distance, from the two nearest stop_times.txt entries containing arrival or departure times.

ODOT-RPTD-mb commented 7 years ago

After talking to TPAU staff, they would like to be able to select a geo area, a date, and a time range, and get as output a list of stops (name/id/lat-long) within the geo area each with an associated transit visit count for each agency that visits the stop in the specified date/time-range.

Various urban areas 50k+ will be their initial geo area focus.

pouyalireza commented 7 years ago

@ODOT-RPTD-mb Would this be a separate report or a part of an existing report? Adding a time interval filter to the stops report would be a possibility to consider.

PPaulsonOregonDOT commented 7 years ago

@ed-g I apologize that this took so long, but I've attached a .zip file of the merged data export from onel of the agencies from the May database. stops_shape_011536.zip

ed-g commented 7 years ago

@PPaulsonOregonDOT great thank you! I'll take a look this week.

PPaulsonOregonDOT commented 7 years ago

@ed-g I think the linear interpolation method will work for our purposes, and there has been some substantial work done in that realm by Melinda Morang here: http://transit.melindamorang.com/overview_InterpolateBlankStopTimes.html. The only potential issue with this method being accurate is that not all gtfs files contain shapes.txt, because it's not a required file, and using straight line distance could end up with some really awful estimates.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

@PPaulsonOregonDOT I'm not enough of a mathematician to make a suggestion when no shape data is available.

It seems like the options are:

What are the consequences for each of these, and costs for implementation?

PPaulsonOregonDOT commented 7 years ago

@ed-g I don't think the "no shape availible" is a problem for any agencies in Oregon, as those have a pretty stringent QA/GC process. However, if we ever want to expand the usage of the tool beyond the state of Oregon, we should probably include a warning about this at some point in the process, so that states can implement option 2 or 3 on this list..

PPaulsonOregonDOT commented 7 years ago

@srinivas13794 @BenFields724 @ed-g . I checked out the stops report with the time limitations for Baker County, and I think that that report will give us a lot of the information we want.

The remaining issues is the blank rows in stop_times.txt. Is there a way we can programatically deal with those that doesn't require modification of the GTFS feeds before they get fed into the tool?

ed-g commented 7 years ago


linear interpolation may be OK.

ODOT-RPTD-mb commented 7 years ago

Stepped through stops summary report for Portland Metro Urban area, for agency = TriMet, with default time range 0-23:59, did not see any zero visit stops. I assume that this means some kind of linear interpolation is in place? If so we need some kind of brief user focused documentation of how we are handling this.


ed-g commented 7 years ago

To start with, 4 hours investigation to make sure this is a valid plan.

Then I expect my recommendation is: