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Connection to server for file transfer #35

Closed BenFields22 closed 7 years ago

BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

When trying to connect to the server I get a response that no more users can connect. I am using the ftps protocol provided by mac. image

ed-g commented 7 years ago

@BenFields724 file transfer has an array confusingly similar but distinct and incompatible protocols.

See if your client supports "SFTP" which is ssh file transfer.

Or use filezilla which I know does support SFTP.


ed-g commented 7 years ago

Post a picture of the configuration dialog box if you still run into trouble.

BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

Yeah I tried filezilla as well which was failing to connect.


ed-g commented 7 years ago

@BenFields724 filezilla is configured to use FTP (you can see port 21).

Can you configure to use SFTP (port 22, ssh-based) you'll likely need to tell it where to find your ssh key, it's typically under $HOME/.ssh/

ed-g commented 7 years ago




ed-g commented 7 years ago

Another option for mac is Transmit


ed-g commented 7 years ago

@BenFields724 just confirming you were able to connect. Which client did you end up using, would you be able to help @srinivas13794 connect using the same client?

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Here are some mac-specific ssh client intstructions. @srinivas13794 do you use a mac or pc?


ed-g commented 7 years ago

FYI in case you were testing file transfer. I'm restarting the server for an upgrade and it should be available again at 3:30pm today.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

The tna.trilliumtransit.com server is available again.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

A few notes copied from email. For connection from Windows machine.

Then see if you can transfer files using WinSCP (or any other SFTP client). You can use SFTP or SCP protocol.


You may need to "import" your ssh key based on docs I found here. Or it might work without an "import" step.

https://winscp.net/eng/docs/ui_puttygen "Dealing with Private Keys in Other Formats"

More notes.

You'll need to have Putty use the ssh key you created earlier. There is no password, authentication relies on keys only.

This article might help.


This article may also help. According to this you may need to start pageant.exe. Since the articles differ in their recommendations I do not know which article is correct, or they both might be.


BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

@ed-g Regarding your comment for the confirmation of connecting to the server, yes I was able to connect through ssh and then through filezilla as well. We tried to get Srinivas' machine setup, but the connection was failing. On first thought it might be a public key format problem, but I am not sure.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Ok thanks for your work on this.

For PuTTY have you tried the instrctions I linked to above?

It looks like filezilla has an SSH key import function. https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Howto

Please post screenshots of your configuration dialog and error messages!

ed-g commented 7 years ago

WinSCP might be easier to set up than Filezilla on windows -- if one doesn't work after 10 minutes of configuration I'd recommend trying the other. Putty claims to have a built-in file transfer function but I've never used it.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Mentioned this to Srinivas. You might try asking for help from OSU's IT department. They should be knowledgeable about how to set up SSH and SFTP clients.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

@BenFields724 can you get access to a windows machine and experiment with configuring PuTTY and either WINSCP or FileZilla? When you generate a new key you can send it to me and I'll add authorization for it for tnatool@tna.trilliumtransit.com.

Since it sounds like Srinivas has a final today and we need to have access up and running for both of you before Monday morning.

BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

@ed-g here is a key for my windows machine ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABJQAAAQEAvfNyT6PYkM71gepHpIPK452QuPceqGzMnnOJ9kmAmgF4Wm+IJKqsYkGhAzPdaHR7xIpCVc3YXalzYZ+7fhR6Ovs5Iw8z7TIgiRIa8jLFkQXEwiSrgoy4IALEZa4Jqp/7zWtFif/lJhSFLsYtFeIsEAKgVN2eBEolD0Gx/crfQDOsh5T+osWHAVjV1bCESXVOSf1kMkKVjse69eJa+picVxLffrYPJ9XGvFoBT1yzhSCqkf1CkCj5Pn8BJX9B8sVhZgdhSY/5sKSO39OyZLGhmYLOP5g6OUCNtUcCSWljmixqGBMYWjUyDsBb17ulmI4TfGvzZdeB4qhNo9OCoDZoMw== rsa-key-20170908

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Thanks @BenFields724

I've installed on to server. Would you see if you can login using PuTTY and tranfer files using either WINSCP or FileZilla.

BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

@ed-g I can connect with FileZilla but Putty is failing to connect. It just says access denied.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

screen shots please

BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

image image

ed-g commented 7 years ago

did you configure the putty rsa key login?

See if these howtos help.



ed-g commented 7 years ago


BenFields22 commented 7 years ago

@ed-g Success. Had the key in the wrong location. Should have it figured out for SFTP and SSH connections and can get Srinivas' machine setup.

ed-g commented 7 years ago

Great. Thanks for your help with this.