ODU-CGA-CubeSat / sealion-mission-architecture

SeaLion Mission Architecture - ground station & flight software architecture for the joint CubeSat mission between Old Dominion University & Coast Guard Academy
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refactor metamodel (m30ml & DOF schema) to build off LinkML #240

Open capsulecorplab opened 1 year ago

capsulecorplab commented 1 year ago

m30ml & DOF schema used for the sealion-mission-architecture should build off LinkML, as to be able to leverage LinkML's schema validator tools. DOF schema should also be extended as to including model elements (s.a., interfaces and junctions) for use in modeling and generating assembly instructions and/or architecture documentation.

Desired outcomes

capsulecorplab commented 1 year ago

As per Jan 4 systems meeting, Turtle (TTL) models built from LinkML-OWL following pizza tutorial appear to primarily contain graph data about model vocabulary, not descriptions. i.e., can run a query for what TomatoTopping is a subclass of, but not which pizzas have TomatoTopping. Approach moving forward will be to define LinkML schemas in DOF-CubeSat (as an extension of m30ml to include architecture model elements) and use LinkML toolchain for schema validation as a precursor to building a unified model, then pipe unified model into templates for rendering views, such as architecture document, bill of materials, purchase orders, N2-chart / interface-control doc (ICD), and/or assembly instructions.