OData / ODataSamples

Samples: For ODataLib, OData Web API, RESTier, etc.
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OData v4 TripIn conversion semantic error #149

Open MartinPankraz opened 2 years ago

MartinPankraz commented 2 years ago

The v4 example cannot be converted to a proper swagger definition using the Oasis converter.

Find the service metadata here: https://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinServiceRW/$metadata

It fails validation on editor.swagger.io with

Semantic error at paths./People('{UserName}')/Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.GetFriendsTrips(userName='{userName}')
Parameter names are case-sensitive. The parameter named "userName" does not match the case used in the path "/People('{UserName}')/Microsoft.OData.SampleService.Models.TripPin.GetFriendsTrips(userName='{userName}')".
[Jump to line 402]()

Would be great to get perspective where this needs to be addressed.