OData / ODataSamples

Samples: For ODataLib, OData Web API, RESTier, etc.
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Post operation of creating user with Trips failing #153

Open RoronoaSrinu opened 2 years ago

RoronoaSrinu commented 2 years ago

We are from Adobe System part of the AEM Forms Product team. We were trying to make use of your APIs for an internal PoC.

We are using HTTP requests : https://www.odata.org/getting-started/understand-odata-in-6-steps/

In the process we encountered some trouble. When we try to submit user details along with trip data, the POST call fails. It doesn’t accept the key ‘Trips’ in the Request body of the object.

However, when we do a GET to retrieve existing data, we are able to see the key ‘Trips’, with value populated under it.

sample request for post people/person { "Person": { "UserName": "test159", "FirstName": "qui Excepteur eiusmo", "LastName": "ametullamco in", "Emails": [ "veniam incidid", "deserunt dolore" ], "Gender": "Male", "AddressInfo": [ { "Address": "cupidatat anim", "City": { "CountryRegion": "deserunt", "Name": "sint magna cup", "Region": "sedex" } } ], "Trips": [ { "TripId": 561, "Tags": [ "idani", "anim sunt ei", "consect" ], "ShareId": "Excepteur", "Description": "officia", "Name": "irure Ut ad consectet", "Budget": 13 }, { "TripId": 663, "Tags": [ "idani", "anim sunt ei", "consect" ], "ShareId": "Excepteur1", "Description": "officia 1", "Name": "irure Ut ad consectet 11", "Budget": 136 } ] } }

mikepizzo commented 2 years ago

Hi @RoronoaSrinu -- Thanks for reaching out.

Please include the exact body of the request that you are making and the error that you receive so that we can better track down what may be going on.



RoronoaSrinu commented 2 years ago

Hi @mikepizzo,

Thanks for your response.

Please find sample request, response if we send request with Trips as array it fails but if we send with Trip as array it is successful but response gives Trips: null.

Failure scenario: Request for POST Person/People { "Person": { "UserName": "test1590", "FirstName": "Srinu", "LastName": "vasu", "Emails": [ "srinu@gmail.com", "TestUser@gmail.com" ], "Gender": "Male", "AddressInfo": [ { "Address": "city creek", "City": { "CountryRegion": "USA", "Name": "salt lake city", "Region": "Utah" } } ], "Trips": [ { "TripId": 561, "Tags": [ "fun", "adventure", "cycling" ], "ShareId": "SRTRR565772", "Description": "official biking trips", "Name": "Utah adventures", "Budget": 130 }, { "TripId": 663, "Tags": [ "snow", "hiking", "skating" ], "ShareId": "STYEU44783", "Description": "official snow hiking trip", "Name": "snow wonder", "Budget": 136 } ] } } Response: { "errorMessage": "Unexpected error while invoking service" } Successful scenario

Request: { "Person": { "UserName": "test1590", "FirstName": "Srinu", "LastName": "vasu", "Emails": [ "srinu@gmail.com", "TestUser@gmail.com" ], "Gender": "Male", "AddressInfo": [ { "Address": "city creek", "City": { "CountryRegion": "USA", "Name": "salt lake city", "Region": "Utah" } } ], "Trip": [ { "TripId": 561, "Tags": [ "fun", "adventure", "cycling" ], "ShareId": "SRTRR565772", "Description": "official biking trips", "Name": "Utah adventures", "Budget": 130 }, { "TripId": 663, "Tags": [ "snow", "hiking", "skating" ], "ShareId": "STYEU44783", "Description": "official snow hiking trip", "Name": "snow wonder", "Budget": 136 } ] } } Response: { "UserName": "test1590", "FirstName": "Srinu", "Friends": null, "LastName": "vasu", "Emails": [ "srinu@gmail.com", "TestUser@gmail.com" ], "Gender": "Male", "Trips": null, "AddressInfo": [ { "Address": "city creek", "City": { "CountryRegion": "USA", "Region": "Utah", "Name": "salt lake city" } } ] }