OData / ODataSamples

Samples: For ODataLib, OData Web API, RESTier, etc.
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Services from `https://services.odata.org/v4/odata/` respond with header `OData-Version:` `4.0;` instead of `4.0` #216

Open boghyon opened 1 year ago

boghyon commented 1 year ago
  1. Go to https://services.odata.org/v4/odata/
  2. Click on any of the mentioned services. E.g. https://services.odata.org/Experimental/Northwind/Northwind.svc/
  3. The service's response header OData-Version has the value 4.0; which contains unexpectedly a semicolon and thus causes issues in the client. It should be without the semicolon: 4.0.

Is the extra semicolon OData V4 compliant? If not, it should be removed. TripPin on the other hand does not have the issue.

AnupamSAP commented 1 year ago

I am also facing the same issue. Is it working for you?

boghyon commented 1 year ago

I am also facing the same issue

With which service? The ones listed in https://services.odata.org/v4/odata/?

@ralfhandl Is the OData-Version response header value 4.0; syntactically allowed? Because the additional semicolon breaks the client OData implementation.

ralfhandl commented 1 year ago

The OData ABNF does not allow a trailing semicolon, see https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-abnf/blob/d1b3373f73408d1dd177198057cc12940a30c6c8/abnf/odata-abnf-construction-rules.txt#L1077.

ravish-garg commented 1 year ago

Is there any progress on this?

mydoghasfleas commented 3 months ago

Hi, at this point in time, the response from the v4 service at https://services.odata.org/v4/odata/ is still broken; it still returns "4.0;" in the "Odata-Version" header. Is there anyone that can fix this?

alessandra-souza commented 1 month ago

Hi, any updates on this? I'm also facing the same issue.