OData / WebApi

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OData response with custom ODataOutputFormatter #2843

Open sarvancse1987 opened 2 weeks ago

sarvancse1987 commented 2 weeks ago

var oDataResponse = new ODataResponse { Items = transformedResults as IEnumerable, Count = response.TotalRecords, NextLink = response.ContinuationToken };

return Ok(responses);

needs to return the cosmodb continuationtoken for fetch the next set of records

habbes commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @sarvancse1987 could you share more information about the actual problem you're facing, any error you observed, expected and actual behaviour, etc?

sarvancse1987 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @habbes , Thank you so much, to here the issue.

[EnableQuery( AllowedQueryOptions = AllowedQueryOptions.None, HandleReferenceNavigationPropertyExpandFilter = false, HandleNullPropagation = HandleNullPropagationOption.False, AllowedFunctions = AllowedFunctions.None )] [SwaggerOperationFilter(typeof(ODataOperationFilter))] [SwaggerOperation( Summary = "Get ValueChain Events History", Description = "

Get VC events history data for the specified filter condition.

", OperationId = "GetEventsHistory", Tags = new[] { "EventsHistory" } )] [HttpGet("api/History/Get")] [ProducesResponseType(typeof(IEnumerable), (int)HttpStatusCode.OK)] [ProducesResponseType((int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)] public async Task Get(ODataQueryOptions options, string continuationToken = null) { try { var queryKeys = HttpContext.Request.Query.Keys; if (queryKeys.Any(key => key.StartsWith("$"))) { _logger.LogWarning("Query options are not allowed."); return BadRequest("Query options are not allowed."); }

    var sql = _translator.Translate(options, TranslateOptions.ALL);

    var response = await _eventsHistoryService.GetEventsAsync<VCEventResponse>(sql, continuationToken);

    **var queryResult = new CosmosQueryResult<VCEventResponse>
        Items = response.Items,
        ContinuationToken = Uri.EscapeDataString(response.ContinuationToken),
        TotalRecords = response.TotalRecords
    return Ok(queryResult);**
catch (Exception ex)
    _logger.LogError("Exception occurred while getting events history data - " + ex.Message);
    throw new Exception("Exception occurred while getting events history data - " + ex.Message);


I would like to return the response with Odata features, and examples (select, filter, top, skip). Presently in this method, the features (select, filter, top, skip) will not support