OData / lab

This repository is for exploring new ideas and developing early prototypes of various OData stacks.
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After Installation - Trying to scaffold from my EF - I Get 'Method not found: 'VSLangProj.Reference Microsoft.AspNet.Scaffolding.ProjectExtensions.GetAssemblyReference (EnvDTE.Project, System.String)',' #92

Open ClientIco opened 5 years ago

ClientIco commented 5 years ago

There was an error running the selected code generation 'Method not found: 'VSLangProj.Reference Microsoft.AspNet.Scaffolding.ProjectExtensions.GetAssemblyReference (EnvDTE.Project, System.String)','

LordDelacroix commented 5 years ago

Crickets huh ... not good 🥇

unchase commented 5 years ago

You can try my "Unchase.OData.ConnectedService" for solve this problem (Unchase.Odata.Connectedservice).