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OData Query Builder revival #99

Open spaasis opened 4 years ago

spaasis commented 4 years ago

Not sure if this is the right repo, but anyway:

There's this old blog article about a web UI for exploring OData endpoints: https://www.odata.org/blog/odataquerybuilder-a-cross-browser-javascript-library-for-building-odata-queries-3/

The link points to a CodePlex Archive https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=odatasamples which has the code, but it's, well, archived.

I was wondering if you would be able to revive this project and port it over to GitHub to open up further development, or create a fresher version from scratch? We are using the old version of the tool in our APIs but would like to improve it further, seeing as it doesn't really support OData 4 or e.g. $expand.

I do believe that these kinds of discoverability tools are what OData really needs to make it more mainstream :)