Lets say I have an Entity PART that contains a property REVISIONS which also have LINES.
Each time a Revision is created, the server copy the lines of the previous revision in the new one.
Is there a way to tell to the context to refresh the newly created sub-entity Revision and get its LINES while saving changes?
For now I found that I could try to play with the LinkInfos in the EntityDescriptor to request it dynamically
or create another DataServiceRequest with expand and re-execute the existence query I did before creation.
Sometimes OData servers also support $select and $expand on POST...
Lets say I have an Entity PART that contains a property REVISIONS which also have LINES. Each time a Revision is created, the server copy the lines of the previous revision in the new one.
Is there a way to tell to the context to refresh the newly created sub-entity Revision and get its LINES while saving changes?
For now I found that I could try to play with the LinkInfos in the EntityDescriptor to request it dynamically or create another DataServiceRequest with expand and re-execute the existence query I did before creation.
Sometimes OData servers also support $select and $expand on POST...
Any thoughs?
Thanks a lot! Francis Harvey