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Failure when posting a request with odata-version header equal 4.01 #3009

Open Yglioh opened 1 week ago

Yglioh commented 1 week ago


I have a Create endpoint to which I try to send an object, e.g. a user:

public async Task<ActionResult<IQueryable<User>>> Post([FromBody] User entity)
    return await TryCatchAsync<User>(async () =>
        await Entities.Add(entity);
        return Created(entity);


    "FirstName": "John",
    "LastName": "Doe",
    "Email": "John.Doe@test.com"

When I make this POST request with an odata-version = 4.0 header or without it, the input parameter entity is correctly deserialized. However when I add the header odata-version = 4.01 the object is null. Hence I'm wondering if I'm forgetting something to make this work.

Furthermore I have:

    .AddOData(options => options.AddRouteComponents("", edmModel, ODataVersion.V401, services => { return; }));

The reason I'm asking this is because in a more complex use case I have, I'm using the odata client to post a deep insert request which automatically uses odata-version = 4.01 and a syntax that omits the odata prefix.

Assemblies affected

Target framework: net6.0 Microsoft.AspNetCore.OData 8.2.5 Microsoft.OData.Client 7.21.1