OER-WEB-TEAM / design-system--drupal-theme

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Link Component - Color Change #51

Closed emsaiz closed 4 months ago

emsaiz commented 5 months ago

Component Link: https://styleguide.od.nih.gov/components/link

Kinda related design need: We should have our link color, body copy color, and visited link color posted somewhere. It used to be on the colors page so now I think it should either be on our theming page and/or the typography page. Just a heads up! It's a problem I'm thinking about atm.

emsaiz commented 5 months ago

Euna and I were also thinking of different hover interactions for our links. (NOT SOMETHING WE NEED TO DO NOW)

AlexVanK commented 4 months ago


here are the adjustments

// *
// *
$link-color: #005EA2 !default;
$link-shade-percentage: 40% !default;`

we won't change the decoration for now.