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Tooltip Variation - Glossary Entry #64

Open emsaiz opened 1 month ago

emsaiz commented 1 month ago


emsaiz commented 1 month ago

Glossary Entry variation on link page would look like:


AlexVanK commented 2 days ago

This is not a variation of a link, it's a variation of the tooltip. Since a tooltip can be triggered by anything. Otherwise by this logic, you could have modals as a variation of links because they can be triggered by links :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now the real question is, Glossary probably needs to be supported on a website other than just a tooltip. Either a content-editor maintains a glossary on Drupal, or on a data-file (which I prefer because more independent). Then tooltips are displayed where the glossary term pops up, but there should be also a page that lists all the terms together.

But if this is the case, I will have to work on such a system - easy to do, but maybe we need to share the ideas with David first?

emsaiz commented 2 days ago

Yeah I have it as a variation on both links and tooltips but I agree, tooltips makes more sense. IDK why I shared this mockup over the tooltip one.

I know almost nothing about how our current glossary works. Are you saying you would need to build an additional content-editor or data-file to support the current glossary in order to make something like this work? Or would those things replace the current glossary?

AlexVanK commented 2 days ago

Not sure what current glossary you are referring to, but it's probably wrong! LOL Yes, I'm referring to having to build a new system that is Drupal independent, so it can be easily managed, and used on all the sites... This is a high-level idea, I would have to think about how exactly implementing it :)

Probably other than the way it's displayed, beyond the scope of the Design Syst.... We can talk about it next week

emsaiz commented 2 days ago

Sounds good!

just for reference: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/glossary.htm