OER-WEB-TEAM / design-system--drupal-theme

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Templates - Build Several Tamplates #7

Closed emsaiz closed 5 months ago

emsaiz commented 6 months ago

I think you might have most/all of these done? The page is empty now and I think we need something there whether it's images or each template gets its own page with usability guidance etc.

Let me know if this is in my court and I need to make a mockup!

Ref: http://xd.adobe.com/view/130b7f1c-6556-4551-b488-a6ae2a642e53-4658/

AlexVanK commented 6 months ago

It won't be possible to construct pages that simulate template pages. Template pages are built with the underlying TWIG template engine that Drupal uses.

We can build a node for each template, e.g.:

with a bit of a description about the template context, and perhaps a jpg preview of the template. This requires us to update the preview image, every time we update the template file/mockup.

Alternative solution.

I will look into simulating the template output with an iframe -- that should render the template without any image effort.

emsaiz commented 6 months ago

Ok sounds good! Here are some descriptions of the templates: https://xd.adobe.com/view/124158b0-1037-4ee2-b081-aef1353d537a-4712/


AlexVanK commented 6 months ago

@emsaiz for the maintenance mode template, you can't have maintenance mode and see header, sidebar and footer -- otherwise it wouldn't be maintenance.

In maintenance mode the site should be completely hidden. Here's how the template would look like, let me know if you like this:


emsaiz commented 5 months ago

Ok sounds good!

AlexVanK commented 5 months ago

Taken care of. User account templates created too: "login", "register", "pass reset" https://styleguide.od.nih.gov/templates/user-account