OElesin / querypal

Web UI for Amazon Athena
Apache License 2.0
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Error Creating a new stack using deploy.sh because I dont own the s3 bucket deployed by sam #10

Closed thanakijwanavit closed 2 years ago

thanakijwanavit commented 2 years ago

Error Message

+ sam deploy --stack-name querypal-web-ui --profile default --region us-east-1 --stack-name querypal-web-ui --s3-bucket datafy-data-lake-public-artifacts --template-file build/template.yaml --parameter-overrides pEnv=master pGitHubAccessToken=xxxx pQuerypalAppName=querypal --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --no-fail-on-empty-changeset

Error: Unable to upload artifact DeployQueryAmplifyAppFxn referenced by CodeUri parameter of DeployQueryAmplifyAppFxn resource.
An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied


I can see that this is caused by the hardcoded --s3-bucket datafy-data-lake-public-artifacts parameter which is owned by the developer. I suggest that this should be a parameter with a random value if not specified and accept a bucket name as a parameter say bash deploy.sh --s3-bucket xxxx. Let me know what you think, i can make a pull request.

OElesin commented 2 years ago

@thanakijwanavit , please go ahead.