Minor request feature, but this is something I do with all my plugins and think it should be added to yours.
Add the following to the top of all the php files.
So for example Plugin.php file would be:
namespace OFFLINE\GDPR;
use Backend\Facades\Backend;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Cookie;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Classes\Cookies\ConsentCookie;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Components\ConsentManager;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Components\CookieBanner;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Components\CookieManager;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Console\CleanUp;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Models\CookieConsentSettings;
use OFFLINE\GDPR\Models\DataRetentionSettings;
use System\Classes\PluginBase;
class Plugin extends PluginBase
I can go through all the files and add that for you if you like.
Minor request feature, but this is something I do with all my plugins and think it should be added to yours.
Add the following to the top of all the php files.
So for example
file would be:I can go through all the files and add that for you if you like.