Here is how you can add the Continue Shopping button to the cart.
Will need to expand the dependencies component code and add this:
Snipcart.execute('config', 'show_continue_shopping', true);
The second script in the dependencies component code should look like this:
<script>Snipcart.api.cart.currency('{{ snipcartDependencies.activeCurrency | lower }}');Snipcart.execute('config', 'show_continue_shopping', true);</script>
This would be a nice addition as an option in configuration settings. :)
Here is how you can add the Continue Shopping button to the cart.
Will need to expand the dependencies component code and add this:
Snipcart.execute('config', 'show_continue_shopping', true);
The second script in the dependencies component code should look like this:
Snipcart.api.cart.currency('{{ snipcartDependencies.activeCurrency | lower }}');
Snipcart.execute('config', 'show_continue_shopping', true);
This would be a nice addition as an option in configuration settings. :)