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Ear Plugs Script #113

Closed SpanishSurfer closed 9 years ago

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Got this request from some of the admins, what do you all think?


Other day i play sandbox wasteland game and they have a script build in there mission that called earplug What it does it reduce the noise of the vehicles so you can better hear the people talking in the game.

Can you guys put this scrip on the missions, it will be awesome to have it.

here are a few links where you can find the scripts.

http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26624 http://blackwing.co.uk/forum/m/15692364 ... nd-in-heli

I hope this help

regards Bel


thecoolestname36 commented 9 years ago

Nice, the one that I was looking at required some agm mod to be implemented as well. This looks nice and easy.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Only problem now with the script is that it doesn't pop up after dying...


SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

:33 PM - Sari: just had a thought, that earplugs thing is an addaction right? 2:34 PM - SpanishSurfer: [player] execVM "addons\ear_plugs\simpleEP.sqf"; 2:45 PM - Sari is now Online. 2:46 PM - Sari: ok simple way to do it would be to stick one copy of that in init_client and another in cl > fnc > client_onplayerkilled 2:49 PM - Sari: though frankly it would be neater to add 2 actions (put on and take off) in cl >fnc >addmissionactions 2:50 PM - SpanishSurfer: hmm ok 2:51 PM - Sari: in the earplugs script the addeventhandler is redundant because the mission removes all eventhandles on respawn

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

You've been on a role, knock this out of park and be a hero for players on the server.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Lets see what you got outlawled!

zerty commented 9 years ago

""" [player] execVM "addons\ear_plugs\simpleEP.sqf"; 1 fadeSound 1; """

""" _u addEventHandler ["Respawn",{ 1 fadeSound 1; (_this select 0) addAction _p; }]; """

And don't forget to add to add proper credits in the map menu.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Thanks Zerty

From: zerty [mailto:notifications@github.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 5:23 AM To: OFPSDEV/BECTI Cc: SpanishSurfer Subject: Re: [BECTI] Ear Plugs Script (#113)

-put in the /Client/functions/Client_AddMissionActions.sqf file; """ [player] execVM "addons\ear_plugs\simpleEP.sqf"; 1 fadeSound 1; """

And don't forget to add to add proper credits in the map menu.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/OFPSDEV/BECTI/issues/113#issuecomment-85417395 . https://github.com/notifications/beacon/AIPaEypT12IQ68SKRhimuCM3-jL0goAgks5n4SRbgaJpZM4DSmwC.gif

thecoolestname36 commented 9 years ago

Done. See commit for comments.


As for the map credits... No comments at all, don't know where this was from.

thecoolestname36 commented 9 years ago

Fkdmt, Forgot about resetting the audio on AddAction


zerty commented 9 years ago

/addons/strat_mode/Functions/SM_DrawHelp.sqf Credit section , there are some stuff missing inside

thecoolestname36 commented 9 years ago

Zerty, I dont know who to credit. I didnt download it and there were absolutely NO comments on the files...

zerty commented 9 years ago


"Simple Earplugs

by 654wak654"

thecoolestname36 commented 9 years ago

Credit: 48d17459ad36edac30c368dc3b768c0762b04964