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increase time required to cap a town #93

Closed SpanishSurfer closed 9 years ago

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Currently the towns fold fast when players are in cap radius. We need to increase the amount of time required to capture a town. Maybe even base it off how many players are attempting to cap. Just a thought but 1 player in the cap radius should take 5 min, with additional players it could speed it up by an additional second. Thoughts?

DanielVF commented 9 years ago

I'd disagree with five minutes. The average team is going to cap after clearing a town. There's no reason for a team to stand around doing nothing for five minutes. That's just ugly. The current cap time works well in this situation.

I think the places there are perceived issues are skilled MBT caps, fast caps, and OPFOR/BLUEFOR town occupation caps.

Skilled MBT caps, where the player destroys the whole green resistance town occupation forces in 50 seconds, is display of raw skill. I don't think much needs to change. If you are that good, rock on. It's something that doesn't negatively affect the gameplay for anybody.

Fast caps are an issue, but I don't think increasing the time will do much - most of the time fast caping is spent traveling between towns anyway. However, you could make the town capture speed tied to how many resistance AI are alive. If you are hiding in a building fast capping the flag, while six tanks and 40 infantry mill around the flag, then yes, it should be super slow.

Wack-a-mole-town-capping between BLUEFOR and OPFOR - yeah, this is an issue. I don't think it's that the timer is too short, but that even max upgraded town occupation forces are too weak. Level 2 town occupation is still a joke. Level three isn't much better - pop one or two vehicles, mow down the infantry, and the town is yours. I think the OPFOR/BLUEFOR town occupation forces need to be a little more numerous. When combined with any living resistance AI slowing capture speed, I think this could work.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Some of your points are good, but the advantage of slow caps with a single player are that they encourage teamwork, not to mention it would greatly help in giving teammates ample time to get in the cap radius. More players in the cap radius would result in faster caps which is what we want to encourage, more teamwork.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Agreed on slow ass speed if enemy are close to the flag.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

We might be able to fix this by going back to large capping zones. The problem we had with this solution was that a player of an occupied town could hide anywhere in the town occupied area and hold back an entire team, which shouldn't be possible. Maybe we could

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

I hate typing in this phone... :-) I'll think about this more.

DanielVF commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I see your point on encouraging team work. If doing a friendly player count bonus, I'd have the player speed up bonus add up quickly. Most of the time on the server, when you have more than four players working together on a single goal, it's a miracle, so I'd have it that four players cap at about the same as what we have now.

DanielVF commented 9 years ago

Another thing to remember is that for a lot of most mornings, there's only one or two players per team for the first several hours. We don't want to make playing with few players to be painful, lest we end up with a self perpetuating empty server.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

1 player and a 5 min cap isn't too bad, 2 players would be a 2.5 min cap, 3 players 1.25 min...really not that long. Arma 2 BECTI the caps actually took a LONG time. You had to capture the camps then the town, which could sometimes take you 20-30min. Plus, I really really really want to discourage lone wolfs (not eliminate but discourage).

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

We'll hold off on this and see how things go after fast capping has been solved.

DanielVF commented 9 years ago

Stopping fast captures is working, but a little too well. I spent 30 minutes yesterday morning driving around a town , using 3 panthers to look for the last AI. Never found him.

I've changed the code so that when there are CTI_TOWNS_RESISTANCE_MIN_ACTIVE or less resistance in town, it begins to capture at a very slow rate (c87022539092198c35b67f72a0f06e20384a891e). If the town resistance forces are completely wiped out, the capture rate runs as normal.

SpanishSurfer commented 9 years ago

Sounds good.