OGRECave / blender2ogre

Blender exporter for the OGRE 3D engine
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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create a new release #242

Closed paroj closed 1 month ago

paroj commented 1 month ago

the last one is over one year old and some people rely on tagged releases (e.g. linux distros).

I have drafted some release notes that you might want to check. Given the addition of Ogre Next materials and .scene import, I think we can bump the version to 0.9.0 (not that we follow a particular scheme here).

sercero commented 1 month ago


I was thinking of creating a release closer to the release of the Elden Ring DLC since I'll be disappearing around that time 😂

Perhaps at the beginnings of june, trying to close up as much stuff as possible.

But I might be able to close most threads before that.

What do you think?

paroj commented 1 month ago

personally, I am a fan of Release early, release often and would do a 0.9.0 release now and fix up any issues that might come up as 0.9.x

sercero commented 1 month ago

You are right, there are some really big changes.

What do you think of also announcing the release in the forums?

I was thinking of using this thread: https://forums.ogre3d.org/viewtopic.php?p=425529