OGRECave / ogre-procedural

procedural geometry for Ogre3D
MIT License
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bugfix: box generator no longer flips positive and negative x-axis planes 90 degrees on the x-axis. #157

Closed creadmefford closed 3 years ago

creadmefford commented 3 years ago

minimal reproduction of the bug:

// i want a box 1x1x2 along x,y,z world axes auto mesh = Procedural::BoxGenerator (1,1,2,1,1,1).realizeMesh ("boxtest", "test_group"); auto* scene = Ogre::Root::getSingleton ().getSceneManagers ().begin ()->second; auto node = scene->getRootSceneNode ()->createChildSceneNode (); auto entity = scene->createEntity (mesh); node->attachObject (entity);

creadmefford commented 3 years ago

ACTUAL: proceduralZbad

EXPECTED: proceduralZexpected

paroj commented 3 years ago

it will probably also fix the sample: screenshot20200904_184637750

I already wondered where this came from.. nice catch!

edit: yes, this is fixed now

creadmefford commented 3 years ago

nice, thanks!