OHDSI / Aegis

Application for Epidemiological Geographic Information System (AEGIS): a system for semi-automatic GIS visualization based on the OMOP Common Data Model.
Apache License 2.0
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List of codes that must be modified at the next commit #1 #3

Closed JaehyeongCho closed 5 years ago

JaehyeongCho commented 5 years ago


This code must be corrected to the correct coordinate system

JaehyeongCho commented 5 years ago


The parameters of this code must be modified correctly

JaehyeongCho commented 5 years ago


This code is must be changing as next: scale_fill_manual(values = c("Non-clustered"="white", "Secondary cluster"="green", "Primary cluster"="red"))

JaehyeongCho commented 5 years ago


This clustering function needs to modification of plot ratio and should be the indicates to Global Moran's I autocorrelation coefficients