OHDSI / Aphrodite

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Que - Evaluation cohort in APHRODITE #15

Closed Ak784 closed 3 years ago

Ak784 commented 3 years ago


Thanks for this app. I have been experimenting with this and learning the paper (related papers) to understand how this approach can help in labeling

I understand that APHRODITE creates cases (mention of keywords) and controls (no mention of keywords).

Let's say I have 3000 patients. APHRODITE identifies 1800 as cases and 800 as controls and we extract data for these cases and control using get patient data function and build a model using them. Based on my experiments, I believe this 2600 will be split into train and test.

Later if I want to evaluate my model on the remaining 400 patients (unseen patients), do I have to prepare the patient id list (getting everything other than 2600 patients) and extract the data again using get patient data function? Am I right to understand this? I was experimenting like this. But curious to know whether APHRODITE has a function which will create an evaluation cohort (consisting of 400 patients)?