OHDSI / Atlas

ATLAS is an open source software tool for researchers to conduct scientific analyses on standardized observational data
Apache License 2.0
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Add chart drilldown to concept pages #2806

Closed anton-abushkevich closed 1 year ago

anton-abushkevich commented 1 year ago

Resolves #2805

chrisknoll commented 1 year ago

From the UI perspective, let's remove the 'time series' functionality from the concept sets: the way the aggregation is done across concept sets (talking the average of p10 or summing the monthly prevalence) is incorrect math, and an alternative approach to presenting the data could be identified.

The drilldown reports from the concept view is fine and helpful: it saves navigating to data-sources and finding the concept in the right domain. This is helpful and can stay. I'd keep that function for 2.13, and think about how to deal with 'concept-set reporting' as a 2.14 feature.

TitrS commented 1 year ago

@chrisknoll Hi Chris! I deleted last commits and keep commits for the concept drilldown report. I renamed PR also.

chrisknoll commented 1 year ago

Thanks. For future reerence, be careful about force-pushing a branch, if you want to go back to a prior commit, just revert to the desired commit which will cause git to make a 'revert commit' that removes the changes. I was lucky to notice you forced pushed the branch because if I tried to merge your latest commits' back to my local branch, it would have been chaos.

chrisknoll commented 1 year ago

Ok, The Atlas update looks good, but I'd like to also remove the endpionts on the WebAPI side that has those improper calculations that aggregate statistics. Before merging the Atlas side, let's remove the code from webAPI. To do so, please revert commits (don't force push branches) and I'll take a look.

TitrS commented 1 year ago

Hi @chrisknoll thanks for your comments. If we decide don't add the functionality for concept sets page, you just should reject PR on the WebApi side OHDSI/WebAPI#2178, because on the WebApi side all changes are related to concept sets page.