OHDSI / Broadsea

Broadsea deploys the core OHDSI technology stack (Atlas & R Hades), using cross-platform Docker container technology.
Apache License 2.0
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Managing "latest" and "released" versions of OHDSI Containers #124

Open anthonysena opened 4 months ago

anthonysena commented 4 months ago

The docker-compose.yml in Broadsea makes use of a number of OHDSI containers:

Container Reference Owner
ohds/broadsea-hades 4.2.1 Anthony Sena
ohdsi/webapi latest ???
ohdsi/atlas latest ???
ohdsi/broadsea-atlasdb 2.0.0 ???

I'd like to propose the following approach for managing the latest development build of a container ("latest") vs. a tagged version of a container ("released"):

Additionally, we should be using GitHub Actions (GHA) to manage the build and publishing of containers to the OHDSI DockerHub. GHA should be used to manage both the "latest" and "released" builds.

Somewhat related (and if not we can spin up a new issue): the "ohdsi/braodsea-hades" container should be replaced by an "ohdsi/hades" container that is defined by a GHA in https://github.com/OHDSI/Hades.

Tagging @leeevans to try and make sure I've summarized our discussion. Also tagging @alondhe, @konstjar, @ablack3