OHDSI / CohortGenerator

An R package for instantiating cohorts using data in the CDM.
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getStatsTable is missing databaseId #116

Closed gowthamrao closed 2 months ago

gowthamrao commented 9 months ago

I tried to use getCohortStats to get cohort stats. But i got an error message. it complained that databaseId was missing. I had given it databaseId.

So i looked in the code and noticed this function is not getting the databaseId

`` results[[table]] <- getStatsTable( connectionDetails = connectionDetails, connection = connection, cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema, table = cohortTableNames[[table]], snakeCaseToCamelCase = snakeCaseToCamelCase, includeDatabaseId = includeDatabaseId )

maybe its a bug?
anthonysena commented 9 months ago

Yes, this looks like a bug whereby the databaseId is not passed here:
