OHDSI / CommonDataModel

Definition and DDLs for the OMOP Common Data Model (CDM)
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Admitting_source_concept_id when admitted from home #684

Closed solmazeradat closed 2 months ago

solmazeradat commented 2 months ago

Admitting_source_concept_id when admitted from home

CDM or THEMIS convention?


Table or Field level?


Is this a general convention?


Summary of issues

Summary of answer

Author 1: concept_id=0, because a visit concept by definition describes the interaction between a patient and the healthcare system. If there was no such interaction there is no visit concept.

Documentation for the field ADMITTING_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE and VISIT_DETAIL tables need to be updated to include setting the field to zero when the person is admitted from home.

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Other comments/notes

cgreich commented 2 months ago

Are we sure this is the right recommendation? Usually, concept_id=0 means there was something, we just don't know. But as @solmazeradat pointed out there might have been no healthcare setting from which the patient was admitted, and we know that for a fact. Sounds to me we should go to @clairblacketer and make this field nullable.

MelaniePhilofsky commented 2 months ago

It is a nullable field, @cgreich. However, there is CDM guidance to set to concept_id = 0 when patient was admitted from home. Will assign to @clairblacketer