OHDSI / Covid-19

The OHDSI repository to provide comprehensive evidence for the covid-19
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The vocabularies for phenotypes should be listed #3

Open chandryou opened 4 years ago

chandryou commented 4 years ago

The vocabularies for phenotypes should be listed in the wiki

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

Hi @chandryou! Do you need any help with terminology here?

cgreich commented 4 years ago

Starting with that checklist. We need to create standard conventions for:


Want to give it a shot, @Alexdavv?

chandryou commented 4 years ago

I'll try to reach Korean CDC and request the data of questionnaires from patients with the covid-19. We need convention how to convert these questionnaires into CDM.

chandryou commented 4 years ago

I added the @cgreich 's list to the wiki page

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

Want to give it a shot, @Alexdavv?

I'd love to.

@chandryou @cgreich, How about adding/elaboration on:

cgreich commented 4 years ago

Sure. Add them to Chan's list. We don't have to invent anything, just check out what we have, make a concept list, and let's make recommendations for de-novo data what concepts to use.

chandryou commented 4 years ago

@Alexdavv I've added you to the collaborator of this github. You can write and edit the wiki now :)

Thank you for your support!

chandryou commented 4 years ago

Should we develop the conventions for WHO's CRF?

vojtechhuser commented 4 years ago

I would like to help but I am not able to edit the wiki. e..g., https://github.com/OHDSI/Covid-19/wiki/Vocabulary-for-phenotypes

Is Mark Suchard the admin of this repo?

chandryou commented 4 years ago

@vojtechhuser I invited you to the collaborator if this github. Thank you for helping this!

SSMK-wq commented 4 years ago


Is this open for everyone to participate? Meaning for guys who write SQL, Python as well? May I know what is the intent of this group? Is it to identify the concept ids to be used for each of the conditions listed in github?

chandryou commented 4 years ago

I've uploaded sql queries to identify standard vocabulary for co-morbid diseases based on previous study

chandryou commented 4 years ago

@SSMK-wq Yes, this is open to anyone who can participate :) You call pull request.

chandryou commented 4 years ago

I've updated Korean source code to define intensive cares (oxygen therapy /ICU care/ intubation /ventilator care / ECMO/ hemo) in the wiki

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

Hi @chandryou and @vojtechhuser,

The vocabulary team has started working on it. At the first step, we are reviewing both the CRFs to identify existing concepts as well as remaining gaps. We will contribute to the existing wiki entry for phenotypes and help completing it. For missing concepts, we are looking into updating of existing vocabularies or providing new extension concepts. We welcome any input on the progress and on priority for extensions for certain phenotypes.

As we can see, EDI is one of the vocabularies that are not currently mapped. So we need to add the mappings for the concepts of interest. What are the other non-mapped vocabularies are expected to represent the COVID-related data?

In the sql queries you've mentioned you are focusing on ICD9CM codes and related Standard equivalents. What we are planning to do is: (a) identify the Standard parent concepts for the concept-sets of required phenotypes; (b) review the mappings between these Standard concepts (including their descendants) and source vocabularies; (c) search among the source vocabularies to confirm that all the related concepts are covered by the list b.

Could you please invite @TinyRickC137 as a collaborator to be able to edit the wiki?

chandryou commented 4 years ago

Thank you @Alexdavv I invited @TinyRickC137 to this repo.

I'll post each of job you mentioned in separate issue. And I'll make a mapping between EDI code and standard concept, today.

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

@chandryou, We've updated the wiki page.

Please review the format in the first 2 examples, including the following sections:

Please let me know if any adjustments are needed.

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

Hi @chandryou,

On Monday we're planning to start working on COVID-related mapping gaps between Source vocabularies and Standard terms. If something is already done for EDI, can you please share so that we can ingest it and focus on the rest.

Are there coding guidelines in Korea that define the rules for dual coding to reflect the form of the COVID-19? Something like the CDC has issued, e.g.:

For a pneumonia case confirmed as due to the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), assign codes J12.89, Other viral pneumonia, and B97.29, Other coronavirus as the cause of diseases classified elsewhere.

We're planning to create the pre-coordinated concepts and publish the mapping guidelines for ETLers.

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

@chandryou Please add @Tsemharb as a collaborator.

chandryou commented 4 years ago

I added @Tsemharb

shyamvis commented 4 years ago

In the Accrual of patients to Clinical Trials (ACT) network, we are starting to collect new and old codes for Covid-19 to build an ontology. See https://github.com/shyamvis/covid-phenotyping and https://github.com/shyamvis/covid-phenotyping/blob/master/codes.md

Alexdavv commented 4 years ago

In the Accrual of patients to Clinical Trials (ACT) network, we are starting to collect new and old codes for Covid-19 to build an ontology. See https://github.com/shyamvis/covid-phenotyping and https://github.com/shyamvis/covid-phenotyping/blob/master/codes.md

@shyamvis Great job! If you’d like to take a look at the work the OHDSI vocab team is doing please ping me by email.

chandryou commented 4 years ago

@Alexdavv Please review my mapping for EDI (https://github.com/OHDSI/Covid-19/blob/master/Vocabulary/covid_kor_source_to_concept_map.csv)