OHDSI / Covid-19

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The association between RAS blockers and covid-19 #9

Open chandryou opened 4 years ago

chandryou commented 4 years ago

From Evan Minty and Cynthia Sung,

  1. % of people with isolated HTN on ACE/ARB in general population vs. those w/ isolated HTN and admitted to hosp. with COVID-19 vs. seasonal influenza
  2. % of ppl with diabetes on ACE / ARB in general population vs. those admitted to hosp with covid-19 vs.seasonal influenza
  3. Is ACE inhibitor usage a risk factor for severe disease/death?
  4. Is AT1 blocker (e.g. losartan) a risk or protective factor for severe disease/death?

References https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/ddr.21656 https://nextstrain.org/ncov?l=radial https://www.bmj.com/content/368/bmj.m810/rr-2 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32129518-angiotensin-receptor-blockers-as-tentative-sars-cov-2-therapeutics/