The cdmField check fails in Oracle due to the double quotes present in the query.
[Level: FIELD] [Check: cdmField] [CDM Table: CARE_SITE] [CDM Field: care_site_name] Error executing SQL: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00904: "care_site_name": invalid identifier An error report has been created at output/RDW OMOP/errors/FIELD_cdmField_CARE_SITE_care_site_name.txt
The query that DQD executes:
SELECT num_violated_rows, CASE WHEN denominator.num_rows = 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1.0*num_violated_rows/denominator.num_rows END AS pct_violated_rows,
denominator.num_rows as num_denominator_rows
FROM (SELECT num_violated_rows FROM (SELECT CASE when COUNT("care_site_name") = 0 then 0
else 0
END as num_violated_rows
GROUP BY 1) violated_rows
) violated_row_count,
(SELECT 1 as num_rows
FROM DUAL) denominator
The innermost query is:
SELECT CASE when COUNT("care_site_name") = 0 then 0
else 0
END as num_violated_rows
refers to the column name care_site_name in lower case, but our database it is capitalized CARE_SITE_NAME due to the manner how Oracle interprets the DDL for table creation.
This appears to have also been an issue with PostgreSQL as well (#151 ).
The cdmField check fails in Oracle due to the double quotes present in the query.
The query that DQD executes:
The innermost query is:
refers to the column name
in lower case, but our database it is capitalizedCARE_SITE_NAME
due to the manner how Oracle interprets the DDL for table creation.This appears to have also been an issue with PostgreSQL as well (#151 ).