Workproducts to ETL CMS datasets into OMOP Common Data Model
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Issue while running python code to get the claims data #50

Closed Ratanr closed 6 years ago

Ratanr commented 6 years ago

Hi All,

I am trying to run the Python code to get the claims data directly from the website that is available on the site i.e get_synpuf_files.py. but I am getting the syntax error. could you please let me know the correct steps to run this successfully?


Thanks, Ratan

ericaVoss commented 6 years ago

Are you just looking to get a copy of the data? You don't need to generate it yourself. In fact we just updated to V5.2.

This doesn't solve the Python issue, but you don't need to solve it if you just want the data.

Let me know and then we can work on getting it to you. Since we just finished generating it we don't have it formally released somewhere yet.

Ratanr commented 6 years ago

Hi Erica,

I only need a copy of CMS synthetic claims data. I was able to manually download the claims data DE_1 to DE_20 from CMS site.

Since we have to convert one of the datasets to CDM and I am new to ODHSI so wanted to understand the full workflow of it by executing all the steps of the different dataset. I will be able to use the data which I downloaded manually but still wanted to understand why that particular code did not work?. I am also having problems with other steps which I will be posting after trying all alternatives from my side.

Thank you for the updates on V5.2. Any particular date on which the V5.2 is getting released?

Thanks, Ratan

ChristopheLambert commented 6 years ago

Hi Ratan,

You did not type the python command at the beginning of your command line. Plus you did not specify a valid output directory. You should replace "path/to/output/directory" with a pathname of where to store the data. It is also strange you are currently working from the Python27 directory -- presumably your installation directory for python, instead of a folder where all of the ETL-CMS files are stored.

Sincerely, Christophe

Ratanr commented 6 years ago

Hi Chris,

sorry for the confusion, I just used the path as an example however I missed the python command at the beginning of command line.

I have used the below path to generate output files but still getting the same issue. please suggest a way forward.


Thanks, Ratan

ChristopheLambert commented 6 years ago

Look inside the python file and see if it looks like html. If so, you did not properly retrieve it from github -- make sure to get the raw version of the file.


Ratanr commented 6 years ago

Hi Christophe,

done. I was able to execute and download the data from my side now. Thank you.

I was having some problem because of JDK version.

Thanks, Ratan