Workproducts to ETL CMS datasets into OMOP Common Data Model
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drug_era, observation_period, cost column mismatch #56

Closed leenadR closed 5 years ago

leenadR commented 5 years ago

Many thanks for providing the 100k download vie Google drive. However, I experienced some problems when importing the data.


Importing drug_era fails: ERROR: invalid input syntax for integer: "2008-02-27"

Looking at the data, the columns don't match with the table definition in CDM (I checked also versions before and after 5.2): The third column should be the concept_id, not a date.

gunzip -c drug_era.gz | head 4107,528323,2008-02-27,2008-02-27,1,\000,215049 2060,722031,2008-03-11,2008-03-21,1,\000,105476 4938,710062,2008-02-14,2008-03-15,1,\000,258700

CREATE TABLE drug_era ( drug_era_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL , drug_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , drug_era_start_date DATE NOT NULL , drug_era_end_date DATE NOT NULL , drug_exposure_count INTEGER NULL , gap_days INTEGER NULL ) ;


Similarly, the data for observation_period still has the observation_period_start_datetime and observation_period_stop_datetime columns, which were deprecated before 5.2.


Last, the cost data does not fit the column definition by the CDM. The import fails, because "Procedure" is not an INTEGER.

gunzip -c cost.gz | head 189455742,Procedure,0,44818668,\000,\000,10,10,0,\000,0,0,0,\000,\000,\000,\000,\000,\000,0,\000,543966571 189455742,Procedure,0,44818668,\000,\000,20,20,0,\000,0,0,0,\000,\000,\000,\000,\000,\000,0,\000,543966572 189455743,Procedure,0,44818668,\000,\000,10,10,0,\000,0,0,0,\000,\000,\000,\000,\000,\000,0,\000,543966573

CREATE TABLE cost ( cost_id INTEGER NOT NULL , cost_event_id INTEGER NOT NULL , cost_domain_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , cost_type_concept_id INTEGER NOT NULL , currency_concept_id INTEGER NULL , total_charge NUMERIC NULL , total_cost NUMERIC NULL , total_paid NUMERIC NULL , paid_by_payer NUMERIC NULL , paid_by_patient NUMERIC NULL , paid_patient_copay NUMERIC NULL , paid_patient_coinsurance NUMERIC NULL , paid_patient_deductible NUMERIC NULL , paid_by_primary NUMERIC NULL , paid_ingredient_cost NUMERIC NULL , paid_dispensing_fee NUMERIC NULL , payer_plan_period_id INTEGER NULL , amount_allowed NUMERIC NULL , revenue_code_concept_id INTEGER NULL , reveue_code_source_value VARCHAR(50) NULL , drg_concept_id INTEGER NULL, drg_source_value VARCHAR(3) NULL ) ;

gowthamrao commented 5 years ago

Is cost in the Dev branch format? This CDM definition is approved, but waiting 2018 ohdsi symposium for release as v6.0


leenadR commented 5 years ago

No, I only use the release versions (tagged 5.2, 5.0, ...)

See line 598: https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/blob/v5.2.0/PostgreSQL/OMOP%20CDM%20ddl%20-%20PostgreSQL.sql

Even in the dev-branch, the columns would not fit ... CREATE TABLE cost ( cost_id INTEGER NOT NULL , person_id INTEGER NOT NULL, cost_event_id INTEGER NOT NULL , cost_domain_id VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ,

ericaVoss commented 5 years ago

@leenadR where did you download this? Just want to make sure I know which copy you are working with. I'm assuming it is the new one.

I think we have seen this problem before, the COST_ID is the last column in this export of SYNPUF. :(


Tagging @leeevans

leeevans commented 5 years ago

@leenadR this is an issue with the file format of the Synpuf 100k export file. It's been corrected in a replacement Synpuf 5% sample file that is now available for download.

You can use the 'CMS SynPUF 5% Sample' link at the bottom of the below web page to download the new file:


leenadR commented 5 years ago

Many thanks, the 5% sample works just fine. => issue can be closed