Workproducts to ETL CMS datasets into OMOP Common Data Model
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Update ETL logic to support CDM 6.X #57

Open gowthamrao opened 5 years ago

gowthamrao commented 5 years ago

CDM 6.x has introduced some key changes to the omop CDM, that will require updating the ETL logic. New changes includes changes to cost table, payer_plan_period, visit_detail, location, location_history.

It would be nice to work together to create a new version of the ETL logic

chandryou commented 5 years ago

@gowthamrao actually, my approach is making 'conversion query' from v5 to v6. We're working on it, and I plan to release the code (it would not be perfect, we'll focus on adding columns, convert death to condition, and update datetime)

gowthamrao commented 5 years ago

Thank you @chandryou

Would you like to discuss the conversion logic?

alondhe commented 5 years ago

Hi @chandryou -- just curious how this process is going. We're beginning to test a branch of Achilles that supports CDM v6, and would love to try it against Synpuf.

chandryou commented 5 years ago

We upgraded the CDM version by using very simple code (just adding columns and moving death record from death table to condition table). We'll upload the code to the github soon and let you know, @alondhe

chandryou commented 5 years ago

We're working in here : https://github.com/Jimyung6642/CDM_update_to_v6 It requires further cleansing.