OHDSI / Hades

Health Analytics Data-to-Evidence Suite (HADES): A collection of R packages for performing analytics against the Common Data Model.
Apache License 2.0
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Problem restoring Hades Q3 lockfile #28

Closed ablack3 closed 7 months ago

ablack3 commented 7 months ago

I get the following error when running renv restore.


The hades Q3 release requires Matrix 1.5-3 https://github.com/OHDSI/Hades/blob/69f0db8a49d3c90ce297059de6cb0e9381130ff3/hadesWideReleases/2023Q3/renv.lock#L426

and requires MatrixModels 0.5-2


But MatrixModels 0.5-2 requires Matrix 1.6 or later

Here is description file which I downloaded from here:


So there is an inconsistency in this lockfile, right?

@anthonysena, @konstjar

ablack3 commented 7 months ago

I modified the lockfile manually to require Matrix 1.6-0 and renv::restore worked. 👍 I created a docker image for this release and it is around 4GB.

schuemie commented 7 months ago

Thanks @ablack3 !

That is really weird. I of course based the lock file on an existing library, and tested rebuilding the lock file and did not see that error. I went back to the machine I used at the time, and the MatrixModels DESCRIPTION does list the same requirement for Matrix. I'm not sure what changed since then. The only thing I can come up with is that the parsing of package version numbers was updated (and Matrix uses a weird version numbering).

I'll make the change in the Q3 lock file itself. It should not affect any analytics, and just helps build the library. For bigger changes I think we'll introduce patch releases